We've Done'.
Checklist After Watching:
- Environment Message - I'm going to be more respectful towards our beautiful blue planet.
- Habits and Ignorance Realization - CHECKED! REALIZED!
- Special Effects - Excellent! You can always count on the people at WETA DIGITAL (The guys who did LOTR Trilogy and King Kong).
I can't figure Jennifer Connelly out. In every movie that she's been in, the way she acts is put it simply SIMILAR. Don't get what I'm talking about? Go watch HULK, BLOOD DIAMOND and A BEAUTIFUL MIND back to back. It's not a bad thing, I'm merely saying that, the way she acts simply works in every movie she's in. Gifted? I suppose.

Overall, it's a very entertaining movie and the effects was just inspiring. There's just one thing I can't figure out though - what's with the sphere thingy? couldn't they just used spaceships?
4/5 stars - mostly for effects
this day is on Dec 22nd of each year. this movie was released 10 days before the actual date to prepare humankind of its wonders and moment of rejoice.