The whole movie was a boring nodding-off-fest. I can understand why people was attarcted to buy tickets for the film but I wasn't sure what so many people saw in it. I simply just felt like packing the movie projector, drive it to a lake and dumping the whole damn roll into the water! In saying that however, the film was consistently amusing. It kept me interested enough to want to see what happens next, well, it was Brad Pitt's role who kept me going literally. Watching him play an idiot

Performances was very satisfying - for the script that is. Malkovich, McDormand, Clooney, and Swinton all manage to define their characters through individualised quirks without ever going over the top, however, there were too much talent wasted. Whoever did the casting did their job completely, overly well. The script did not do the cast justice. You have Golden Globe nominees and winners in there, not to say Oscar winners as well as nominees. But what do you get out of them? Pure stupidity acts, which I can safely say, they did extremely well anyways. I feel sad for them and for the Coen brothers to make a mish-mash drama/dark comedy/satire that was uninspiring at best and boring at its worst simply adds insult to an open wound.
Overall-I had mixed feelings with this production. I salute the Coens in doing that to me. All I can say is that I had little good laughs and now I'm off to bed.
3/5 stars for the cast-not the script.
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