If there's one thing that Kenan manages to get across here however, it is the imagination and vision that is present in the script - ermm, vision-wise I mean. The props and buildings were unbelievable. The first few scenes was remarkably breath-taking with the City of Ember itself is a sight to behold. I have no idea whether the ceiling light bulbs were CGI or real, but I would not change how these bulbs were presented. The special effects were brilliant however it did came off a little bit obvious especially during the scene of the mole-ish looking monster.

Mayor Cole (played by Bill Murray), Tim Robbins (played by Loris Harrow) and the other adult characters never really provided as much support as they should. The casting of such well-known actors in this film really did not do much to enhance the understanding and motives behind the city's cryptic suppression. They probably could have cut much of the budget by introducing upcoming actors. That way, they would maybe, yes maybe, somehow broke even. No offense to these actors, but blame it on the under-developed script.
Overall, it was an entertaining family movie. Not one for the sci-fi enthusiast though, even if it was categorized as one. The gross revenue may just be enough to put you off from watching it, but in my humble opinion, it did not do justice to the quality of movie. Surely a hit with the young ones however.
3/5 stars