Here we go again..Another chick flick movie. Before watching this one, these were my predictions. A cheesy, overly-cliched but an acceptably funny movie. I was right. Not only was it very cliched, it was extremely predictable. Who wrote this? And why did Kate Hudson accepted the role? She could have done something far better.
Talking about funny - not much really. I didn't really laughed rather giggled a lot. That just shows how comedic the whole film was. Okay..so the movie is about 2 girls (BFFs for that matter) ending up fighting over their wedding date, which was at the same date. Now I probably can understand the frustration and point of argument in that. However, the script was just awefull. It was pretty much Kate Hudson (Liv) and Anna Hathaway (Emma) all the way. Overdeveloped I would say and would that suggest everyone else was pretty much under-developed? YEAPS!... They were marrying to their man of their life right? So where were those 2 guys? Around - yes, Around, thats it? - yes again. Weak character development. They had 120 minutes to fit in everything Hollywood's formula can fit in, but they chose not to. Gimme a break.
So the movie's called Bride Wars right? So how was the War ask you? Predictable, again cliched, come on writers, where's the originality? Ok so you've got the spray tan incident, the hair dye incident, the swap her video montage trick, what else? Nada! That was pretty much how the so called wars were.
Hang on, we're not done yet. (SPOILER ALERT!) So Emma (Hathaway) ended up not marrying her fiance. It was partially because of her guy's attitude and hers. But wait, there's another reason to it. She's in love with Liv's brother. What the! The director didn't really developed that part of the story in the movie, but me being a film maker myself, spotted that possible third person snippet. Under-developed my friends.
Despite the weak storyline, I do have to agree on 2 things. 1) Hathaway is an excellent actress and 2) Kate Hudson is an excellent actress. Both played their role very well and I guess, with those 2 in the movie, the negative factors was compensated with their awesome acting.
My advice, if you haven't gone to the movies to watch this, best wait for the DVD to come out and watch it with your friends, trust me, save your money. Overall, watchable, but its nothing like
Princess Diaries or How to lose a guy in 10 days.
2/5 stars - 1 star for Hathaway and 1 star for Hudson. Nothing for the script.